Md Hasanur (Hasan) Rahman

PhD Candidate
Computer Science, University of Iowa
profile pic 

I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Iowa, where I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Guanpeng Li. Currently in the fourth year of my PhD, I am a member of the Dependable System Lab at the University of Iowa. I am also a research intern at Argonne National Laboratory, supervised by Dr. Sheng Di. Before beginning my PhD journey, I spent two years (2019–2021) working at Samsung Research, Bangladesh. Prior to that, I earned my undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (2015-2019). Recently, in 2024, I also received my Master’s degree in Computer Science from University of Iowa.



Research Interests

  • High Performance Computing

  • Dependable System Design

  • Data Reduction

  • Parallel Computing

  • Applied Machine Learning

News (More)

  • 11/2024: [Career] Served as a student volunteer at SC’24.

  • 04/2024: [Career] Passed my PhD comprehensive exam. I am now a PhD candidate.

  • 03/2024: [Paper] My paper on lossy compression is accepted at MSST 2024.

  • 12/2023: [Paper] My paper on GPU resilience, DRUTO, is accepted at IPDPS’24!

  • 04/2023: [Career] Served as a student volunteer at ICDE’23.

  • 11/2022: [Paper] My paper on lossy compression, FXRZ, is accepted at ICDE’23!

  • 09/2022: [Career] Passed my PhD qualifying exam.

  • 06/2021: [Paper] My paper on fault tolerance, Peppa-X, is accepted at SC’21!

Selected Publications (Full List)

  • [MSST’24] A Generic and Efficient Framework for Estimating Lossy Compressibility of Scientific Data
    Md Hasanur Rahman, Sheng Di, Guanpeng Li, and Franck Cappello

  • [IPDPS’24] DRUTO: Upper-Bounding Silent Data Corruption Vulnerability in GPU Applications
    Md Hasanur Rahman, Sheng Di, Shengjian Guo, Xiaoyi Lu, Guanpeng Li, and Franck Cappello
    Acceptance rate: 25.0%

  • [ICDE’23] A Feature-Driven Fixed-Ratio Lossy Compression Framework for Real-World Scientific Datasets
    Md Hasanur Rahman, Sheng Di, Kai Zhao, Robert Underwood, Guanpeng Li, and Franck Cappello
    Acceptance rate: 19.1%

  • [SC’21] PEPPA-X: finding program test inputs to bound silent data corruption vulnerability in HPC applications
    Md Hasanur Rahman, Aabid Shamji, Shengjian Guo, and Guanpeng Li
    Received all three artifacts badges
    Acceptance rate: 23.6%